yey! I am back to my blogging and I will start off with my freshest experience that is South Korea.
‘twas a blast! – that is how I describe my 1 week vacation in SoKor. Weather is nice and good enough for touring the country – that is very cold compare to the Philippines. Had skin troubles due to the very cold weather which became more than I could take on our last day. Am not good at memorizing names of the places we have been to; but I will try to research so I could put captions on each photographs on this post.
The photography experience – since it a foreign land, every second of my stay seems like a photography opportunities. Since I cannot afford to ruin this opportunity like what I did with my Bohol getaway, I set my camera to Aperture Priority + Auto Focus, then I am just adjusting flash, exposure, ISO and other technical stuffs that I am really not aware of and viola!!! – I was able to produce decent pictures.
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